Song Of Songs - Introduction



The title, Song of Songs,1 means “the greatest of songs.” Its writer was most likely Solomon himself; it is said that he wrote over a thousand songs (1 Kings 4:32). The Song of Songs celebrates the joy and wonder of love between a man and a woman within the bond of marriage. Such love is a gift of God, who created humans male and female (Genesis 1:27). Such marital love reflects the perfect love that exists between God and His people, between Christ and His Church.

God ordained marriage in the beginning (Genesis 2:24); Song of Songs describes marital love as it ought to be. Marriage is not only for the purpose of procreation; it is also for the purpose of drawing a man and a woman together in intimacy, as “one flesh,” one in spirit, mind and body. Given the importance of marriage in God’s plan for mankind, it is no wonder that a description of marital love should be included in the Bible.

In addition to its plain meaning, Song of Songs can also be interpreted spiritually. For example, the marriage relationship between the beloved and her lover is an earthly picture of the relationship between the believer and Christ (see Ephesians5:22–33). We belong to Christ, we are one with Him, we seek to please Him, we love Him and He loves us. And a wedding banquet awaits us when Christ returns to claim His bride2 (Revelation 19:7–9).

Several difficulties arise as we study the Song of Songs. First, its language is poetic and figurative. Second, its cultural setting is very different from ours. Third, the lovers express their love in terms that seem strange to us. And fourth, it is hard to determine the sequence of events described in the Song; sometimes, for example, it seems as if the beloved is dreaming or imagining events that are not actually taking place.3

Regardless of the difficulties in interpretation, the overall message of Song of Songs is clear:the marriage relationship and the sexual love between husband and wife are part of God’s will for mankind and are to be enjoyed as a gift from Him—who is Love Himself (1 John 4:8,16).